Our Founders Club is the perfect place to eat, drink, and socialize. The Founders Club is located upstairs in the Luedecke Arena with a skybox view of Rodeo Austin’s 15 days of ProRodeo action.
Membership Includes:
- 5 years with an option to continue for $1,000 per year following
- 4 passes to the Founders Club per night of the rodeo
- 2 parking passes in designated Founder’s lot
Additional Benefits:
- Admission into the 100X Club
- Name recognition in the Founders Club & in Rodeo Austin’s Annual Report
- Option to purchase ProRodeo & Concert box seats in premium arena locations
Membership Includes:
- 5 years with an option to continue for $2,000 per year following
- 8 passes to the Founders Club per night of the rodeo
- 4 parking passes in designated Founder’s lot
Additional Benefits:
- Admission into the 100X Club
- Name recognition in the Founders Club & in Rodeo Austin’s Annual Report
- Option to purchase Rodeo & Concert box seats in premium arena locations
What is a Founders Club Membership?
This membership grants you access to the Founders Club, which includes sky level views to the arena and an opportunity to purchase premium foods and beverages.
All memberships include Founders Club passes for each night of the rodeo, and parking passes in our designated Founders Lot. (*The number of passes will vary depending on the type of Founders Club Membership selected).
How will I receive my Annual Founders Club Membership Passes?
Your passes will be distributed each year just prior to the Fair & Rodeo.
What is the transfer policy for my Founders Club Membership?
Individual Founder: Non-transferable. If a member passes away during the Membership term, the membership will become null and void.
An Individual Membership may be converted to a Corporate Membership by making an additional $5,000 payment during the initial 5-year term of the membership. The initial term of the Membership will not change, and the Membership will be available for annual renewal upon expiration of the original 5-year Membership term. Memberships that have passed the initial 5-year term are not eligible for conversion.
Corporate Founder: Non-transferable. Purchase of a Corporate Founders Club Membership belongs to the organization that purchases it. If the point of contact for the organization should change, the membership stays with the organization. If changes to the name of the point of contact, or the name of the organization need to be made, the Membership & Volunteer Assistant of Rodeo Austin must be notified.
If I choose to purchase Season Tickets as a Founders Club Member, how will I receive them?
If you choose to purchase season tickets as a Founders Club Member, we will distribute your ProRodeo & Concert tickets along with your Founders passes just prior to the Fair & Rodeo. For more information about becoming a season ticket holder, please contact our Ticketing Department at [email protected].
Find out more about our volunteer opportunities.
Current Corporate Founders
Georgetown Innerloop Self Storage
Lariat B Ranch, LTD.
Roger Beasley Mazda, Inc.
Berry – Gammon Partnership
Comerica Bank
Waterloo Development, Inc.
Foodservice Management Systems, Inc.
Brown Distributing Company
Bradley Bryan & Associates
Westlake Orthopedics
Thyssen Krupp Elevator
Mr. Inspector
Curtis&Carolyn Calhoun Family Partnership
Callahan’s General Store
Elgin Breeding Service
Carpenter & Associates, Inc.
Bar Ten Creek Ranch
Twin Oaks Game Ranch, LLC
Craig Cherico
Jerry Deese and Company
Dickey & Son Concrete, Inc.
Dewey Electric Inc.
Powell Ebert Smolik, PC
All State Plumbing
Lago Builders, Inc.
Locke Lord LLP
Jay Evans Company, Ltd
Jimmy Evans Company
Miscellaneous Steel Industries, Inc.
Centex Materials
Hapbach, LLC.
Greater Ausitn Development
YB Ranch
Schmidt Electric Company, Inc
Factory Mattress Sales
Riata Enterprises
GGI Technologies
Capitol Aggregrates, Inc.
Chasco Constructors, Ltd.
Greenwood Harkins, Inc
Republic National Distributing Company
Griffin Motors
Guthrie Lumber Sales, Inc.
Central Texas Diesel
Martin Marietta
Pacesetter Personnel
Ed Padgett Company Inc.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Prater Automotive Company, Inc.
M Rathmann LLC
Sundance Metal Fabricators
Margie Joseph & Associates Realtors
Schmidt Ranch
Maverick Excavating
Capital Land & Livestock Company
Hellas Construction, Inc.
Granite Antler Ranch
BMC Supply
Captex Development Company
Skinner Transportation Inc
Baker Drywall Austin Ltd.
Smith Paving
The Burt Group
Border States Electric
River City Drywall, LP
Stroup Corp., LLC
Fox Service Company
Dynamic Systems, Inc.
McEver Ranch Interests, Inc.
Maxcom Securities
Hardin Interests
Harrell Enterprises, Inc
Graves, Doughtery, Hearon & Moody
Henna Chevrolet, LP
Norton Rose Fulbright
Herzog Foundation Drilling Inc.
The Sleep Shop
Jackson Livestock & Ranches
O.B. Jackson, Jr. M.D.
Maxwell Locke & Ritter, LLP
Ironwood Enterprises
Leif Johnson Ford II, Ltd.
The Whitley Company
Salem’s Auto Center
46 Cattle LLC
Kendrick Land Investment
Lauren Concrete, LP
Knolle Management, LC
K L Specialties
The Kucera Group
Lanford Equipment Company, Inc.
Pepsi Beverages Company
K.R.M. Concrete
Lewis Sign
Calvin’s Electric, LLC
Manufacturers Insurance Agency
The Luedecke Group Realtors
The Grass Patch, Inc.
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
Crawford Electric Supply Company
Martine Properties, Inc.
Maund Automotive Group
Alta Builders Inc
The McCarty Corporation
Sterling Custom Homes, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc
Ranger Excavating
Capitol Wright Company
Riveille Peak Ranch
Moore & Moore Enterprises, Ltd
Jeffery L. Nash Family Limited Partnership
RGC Advanced Glass Inc
Southside Wrecker
Air Wise Incorporated
Teeple Partners, Inc.
Tiemann Land & Cattle Development, Inc.
Tim’s Acres, Ltd.
Austin Underground Inc.
McNeil FFA
Voelker Welding & Construction, Inc.
Cypress Valley Preserve
Hunter Industries, Ltd.
Westmoreland Plumbing Company
Texas Surety
Austin Region Sovereign Bank
Don Wilson Jewelers
Jacobs Engineering
DRW Electric LLC
River City Hose & Supply In.
Floyd’s Glass Company
Rosendin Electric
Austin Engineering Company
Hayden Concrete, Inc
Box & Associates
Foust Excavating
Stewart Title
KVET-FM Austin
Vinco Construction, Inc.
Toro Plata Ranch
Capitol Pumping
Current Individual Founders
Jan Achilles
Joel Anderson
Tricia Argust
Kenneth Arnold
Jim Arnold
Travis Asklund
Bob Avant
Robin Bailey
John T. Baker
Jeff Ballard
Sue Barker
Ben Barnes
John Beasley, Jr.
David Benson
Dan Berdoll
David Bethke
Mike Black
Diron Blackburn
Ron Blackmore
Joe Bland
Jessica Cooper
Marty Cook
Perry Coughlin
Tommy Cowan
Allison Craig
Delton Cravey
Keith Crawford
Charles Croslin
Rob Cullen
Barry Cunningham
Gary Daniel
Drew DeBerry
Todd DeClairmont
Jeff Denton
Ken Dickensheets
Laura Dodd
Danny Doering
Robert Dorsett
Mickey Dorsey
Benjamin Doyle
Kenny Dryden
Patricia Eckert
Monte Eckert
Tom Eckols
Mike Eledge
Chris Elliott
Tom Ellis
Craig Engelmann
Joe Bob Everett
Diana Everman
Les Findeisen
Mary Lou Fitzpatrick
Greg Forbes
Bruce Franks
Chad Franks
Scott Freng
Mike Furry
Robert Garrett III
Joe George
Bruce Germer
Tim Gillespie
Tyler Graham
Charles W Graham, DVM.
Cindy Gray
Karin Gray
Galt Graydon
Dennis Green
Ross Green
Cindy Greenwood
James Guleke
Kaye Blount
Benjamin BoBo
Brooke Samuel Boothe
Mike Boston
Elizabeth Bouldin
Korby Bourne
Jim Boyce
Rhonda Boyce
Benny Boyd, Jr.
Donna Brady
Dane Braun
Schandra Brock
Gary Brown
Lisa Brown
JP Bryant
Steve Bryson
Lee Buckley
Phil Buckley
Aaron Buford
Wes Burch
Wayne Burklund
Janis Burrow
Aaron Cabaza
Verlin Callahan
Mike Callahan
Murray Callahan
Jimmy Callahan
Leora Callahan-McCarthy
Allison Cambell
Tommy Carlson
Bob Carroll
Matt Carson
H.C. Carter
Margaret Cathey
Traci Cavender
Laurie Chandler
William Cloud
Joe Colbert
David Collier
Jerry Conway
Mathew Gurley
Leslie Hamann
Marvin Hamann
Mo Hamann
Kara Hamann
Lisa Hansard
Robert Harlan
Preston Harvey
Junior Henson
Marilyn Hernandez-Honea
Sandra Hibbs
Steve Hickman
BW Hickman
Scott Hickman
Sharon Hightower
Brian Hill
Richard Hill
David Hill
Dianne Hill
Linda Hinkle
Cody Hirt
Colin Hodges
Mike Hodgson
Mark Hodgson
Don Holcomb
Michael Holloway
Dauphen Jackson
Robert Jackson
Terry Jackson
Darla Jackson
Ron Jacoby
JP Jansen
Anita Janszen
Charles Jehl
Steve Jennings
Virginia Jett
Norman Johnson
Jennifer Anderson
Cyleada Jones
Noelle Jones
Randy Jones
Wylie Jones Jordan
Joe Joseph
Matthew Kaplan
Casey Kelley
Kristy Kercheville
Carol Kitchens
Roy Kovar
Kristy Krenek
Sharon Kunz
Royce Lacey
Terri Lacy
Greg Ladner
KaLyn Laney
Rick Lange
Randy Lawrence
Eddie Ledesma
Linda Lee Dubuisson
Brian Lehne
Erin Leon
Jenne Levi
Paul Linehan
Leah Linney
Lance Lively
Todd Longwell
Stacy Looney
Tommy Love
Michael Lucas
Ronald Lucas
Gail Lupton
Chris Luton
Jaime Lynn
Jason Magdalena
Jack Martin
Gavin Massingill
Sebe Berdoll
Clarence Vinklarek
Dana Randig
Jerry Burgener
Jordan Pinson
David England
Colt Steven Cook
Barkley Wedemeyer
Marie Boatwright
Laura Pagnozzi
Al Niece
Frank Niendorff
Michael Nixon
Conna Nye
Linda Oertli
Wayne Orender
Carroll Overton
Juanita Pearson
Will Peckham
Debra Pena-Conrad
Melinda Perez
Mark Petrusek
Brent Pfluger
Billy Platt
Nola Plumb
Jennifer Poehl
Lori Polk
Shawn Polk
Stacie Pollard
Steve Popkoff
Ronald Potts
Edward Priesmeyer
Latius Prikryl
Rena Pylant
Paul Quinn Jr.
Paul Quinn, Sr.
Bill Radford
Jonea Raney
Alisha Randig
Jim Ray
Mike Reynolds
Steven Rhodes
Bill Rhyan
E.B. “Sonny” Richards
Wayne Riddell
Steve Rivers
Rick Roberts
Karen Robinson
Melody Robinson
James Robinson
Gary Rodgers
Larry Roepke
John Rogers, Jr.
Ronald Roithner
Doug Rummel
Nolan Ryan
Larry Sandlin
Clint Sayers
Scott Schenk
Richard Schmidt
Buddy Schroeder
Dennis Scott
James Scott
Dan Seeds
Susan Sheehan
John Shelton
Michael Shelton
Mike Shipper
Wade Shumaker
Dannie Simons
Mack Smith
Eleaine Sobotik
Melvin Sobotik
Leilani Solberg
Jay Southworth
David Stevens
D. Shane Stevens
Brad Stewart
Steve Stolle
Craig Stoppenhagen
Joe Straub
Terry Struble
Floyd Stull
Steve Summers
Rick Talley
Bill Tamm
John Taylor
Bryan Teich
Michelle Tobias
Jim Tracey
Steve Trevino
Adrian Trevino
Kenneth Tumlinson
Stacy Turlington-Dollar
Ricky Turner
Terry Turner
Sharon Turner
Jim Turner
Gilbert Turrieta
Gary Valdez
Bert Vasut
Edward Volek
Wayne Voswinkel
Marlene Wahl
Kristie Waid
Suann Waight
Brenda Walker
Steve Watson
Sue Watson
Mike Weaver
Fred Weber
Steve Whitaker
Don White
Dana White
Stephanie Whitten
Roselind Wieland
Cassandra Wiggins
Kerry Wiggins
Laura Wilkes
Michael Willingham
Randy Willis
Jaymes Willoughby
Jerry Winetroub
Whitney Withers
Cliff Woerner
Brian Yarbrough
Michael Shelton
Rebecca Young Montgomery
Angelo Zottarelli
Laura Culin
Robert Elizondo
Matt Kirk
Tiffany Kondoff (Simpson)
Monica Masters
Josh Mitchell
Robert Ochoa
Deke Pierce
Will Ramirez
Justin Roan
Randal Robbins
Roland Rodriguez
Brian Scott
Danny Seay
Tony Tijerina
Manny Trinidad
Shaun Tuggle
Alex Valdes
Melissa Valerio
Rachel Vasquez
Justin Walker
Duke Williams
Lynn Lollar
Paul Pennybacker
Bill Benton
Jane Ann Benton
Jason Cummins
Audrey Darden
David Keister
Ronald White
Rick Brinnel, Sr.
Jeffery Maples
Steve Hartmann
Nick Fullen
David Kinney
Vicki Bayer
Tristen Jones
Richard Williams
Ricky Gonzales
Dick Matz
Mark Maund
Jeff McDaniel
Wayne McDonald
Ray McEachern
Kent McEntire
Jim McNabb
George Meihaus III
Vicki Merideth
Bryan Millard
Tia Miller
Kathy Mills
Mark Miralles
Chris Mitchell
LeighAnn Moehring
Elaine Monaghan
Jim Monaghan
Victor Moreno
Kerry Morris
Mike Moyer
George Murfee
Temetria McVea
Jan Nagel
Jerry Naiser
Bill Napier
Gary Newman
Margi Clark
Robin Ross
Stephen Cummings
Melissa Thomas
Cindy Davis
Richard Swisher
Jose Pena
Dan Morris
Brittany Jones
Rob Golding